Beauty And The Beast Audio Before Auto-tune

Posted By admin On 13.12.20
Beauty And The Beast Audio Before Auto-tune Rating: 6,4/10 8206 reviews

Feb 20, 2017 Sounded like T Pains beauty and the beast The cartoon is my GOAT Disney movie so I'm both pleased to see this clip but also find the concept of this movie (and certainly that upcoming lion king) entirely redundant Pretty hyped for the Gaston scene in the bar tho. But is not the auto-tune itself, it's the way it's used. In Beauty and the Beast it's just TOO obvious, and in some points even to the point that it detracts from the quality of the production, as I mentioned above. From a business point of view I can see how it makes sense.

Beauty and the beast lyricsThe soundtrack for the 2017 live action Beauty and the Beast film has been released! And most of the songs sound pretty good! I haven't seen the movie yet but I still want to discuss the songs on the soundtrack. Here are the best songs from the Beauty and the Beast (2017) soundtrack!

The Top Ten Best Songs on the Beauty and the Beast (2017) Soundtrack

Mar 14, 2017  Disney Movies Ranking All 14 Songs From Disney’s Live-Action Beauty And The Beast. Ranked from least likely to make you hit repeat to most likely. Mar 17, 2017 I was mainly worried about two things going in to B&B: auto tune, and bad CGI. Both of those things exist. That aside, I do think there’s something to enjoy in Beauty and the Beast for pretty much everyone. If you were stoked and hyped out of your mind you may find yourself slightly disappointed. Mar 30, 2017 Beauty and the Beast 2017 is a joke? Crank it up and watch it burn! Autotune is everywhere in this film and not the good kind(if you're into that stuff). IT'S A NIGHTMARE IT'S A NIGHTMARE. Mar 31, 2017  Genre: Fantasy/Adventure, Musical Title: Beauty and the Beast Release Date: 17 March 2017 Summary: Disney's animated classic takes on a new form, with a widened mythology and an all-star cast. A young prince, imprisoned in the form of a beast, can be freed only by true love. What may be his only opportunity arrives when he meets. Mar 31, 2017  It doesn't need it, their voices are easily good enough to carry a musical, but Disney, is Disney, and auto-tune makes it more standard, more generic, which is how Disney appeals to 80% of the casual audiences.

1Evermore (Dan Stevens)

La petite excite vst download. It's such a beautiful song and Dan Stevens sings it wonderfully with so much emotion and you can feel exactly how the Beast felt after having to send Belle (the love of his life) away, knowing she might never come back.

This is one of the best Disney songs I have ever heard! Evermore is a new song that Alan Menken wrote for this movie and is sung by the Beast after Belle leaves the castle! And in my opinion, this song is better than If I Can't Love Her! I know a lot of people like that song but Evermore actually seems more like a song that suits the Beast! Also, every time I even think about If I Can't Love Her, I get reminded of what happened in my choir class in eleventh grade. And I refuse to talk about it! I still have nightmares. Anyway, the reason I like Evermore a lot more when Dan Stevens sings it rather than Josh Groban is because Dan actually shows emotion while he's singing it! It's a combination of singing and acting! Two things that Emma Watson can't do! Evermore is definitely a great song and one that I have already listened to numerous times! I really hope this wins an Oscar! - MegaSoulhero

This is a great song! It is what love is all about. Sacrifice and giving yourself for others. And though it hurts, you know that you would not have it any other way. You will always remember, because true love endures in the heart and mind forever more. A classic.

Best new song. I loved seeing Beast express his feelings without words in the original, but this song was the best moment in the film. If it would've been in the 1991 classic, that would've been awesome! - Elric-san

2Beauty and the Beast (Emma Thompson)

There are two Emma's in this film but only one of them is actually awesome! Emma Thompson was a perfect choice for Mrs. Potts! She has such a great voice! Before this movie was even announced, I was thinking that if they made a Beauty and the Beast remake, they should have Emma Thompson play Mrs. Potts. I got my wish! She really puts so much emotion into this song! If I had to point out a nitpick, it would be that there are moments in the song that seem to drag a little bit. The music would get dramatic and she would take her time with singing the next line. But other than that, this is a great version of a very classic song! Emma Thompson is no Angela Lansbury, but she's pretty close! Much better than that terrible Ariana Grande and John Legend cover! - MegaSoulhero

3Be Our Guest

It's always fun hearing Obi-Wan Kenobi sing in a French accent. This version of the song is nowhere near as good as the original, but it's still enjoyable. As of the time I'm typing this, I haven't seen the movie, but I'm really hoping this actual scene in the movie will be spectacular! Ewan McGregor is actually not that bad as Lumiere! And Emma Thompson's part in the song is very great! Can't wait to see this scene in the movie! - MegaSoulhero

In all honesty this rendition of the classic blew the original out of the water. However you cannot have the song without the scene which is absolutely gorgeous. I believe it deserves a much higher spot on this list.


Luke Evans and Josh Gad are such an excellent duo! I can't think of anyone who would've been a better LeFou than Josh Gad! Just from listening to this song, he totally nails the role! Luke Evans and Josh Gad really seem to do this song justice! I would even go as far as saying it's better than the original version! They changed some of the lyrics too. Gaston doesn't mention being covered in hair in this version. That's good because I hated that part in the original. Also, Gaston is a tenor instead of a bass in this version. There are people upset about that since Gaston is supposed to be a tough guy and have a deeper voice, but I feel like this works really well! Also, the ending of the song is hilarious! LeFou is spelling Gaston's name out loud but then states that he's illiterate. I'm not sure if that was actually written in the lyrics or if it was improvised by Josh Gad. Either way, it's very funny! - MegaSoulhero

5How Does a Moment Last Forever (Celine Dion)

Celine Dion still has a perfect voice! She is probably the best Canadian singer out there! Which isn't really that hard of an achievement. Looking at you, Bieber! But Celine sings like an angel! Her voice is very soothing! Back in 1991, she sang a cover of the song 'Beauty and the Beast' for the animated film's soundtrack! And they brought her back for the live action film to sing an all new song! How Does a Moment Last Forever! And it sounds really good! There are three versions of this song. Kevin Kline sings it in the movie, Emma Watson sings it in a reprise, and Celine Dion sings it in the credits. I chose the Celine Dion version because, well, it's Celine Dion! And Emma Watson sucks! Honestly, you need to listen to this song to understand how beautiful it is! I can't wait to learn how to play it on the piano! - MegaSoulhero


Beauty And The Beast Audio Before Autotune Free

Days in the Sun

Days in the Sun is a song that the characters sing before going to bed while thinking about what life was like for them before the curse happened. And it sounds really nice! We even get to hear Prince Adam sing as a kid! It's a pretty emotional song. The castle has been cursed for a long time so the characters really miss their old lives. And we actually feel bad for them. Also, it still sounds like Emma Watson is auto-tuned in this song. - MegaSoulhero

The melody is enchanting especially with the music box sound playing in the background. It's full of a beautiful melancholy that makes you want to cry and reminisce.


Let me get this out of the way. Emma Watson's voice is CLEARLY auto-tuned! This wouldn't bother me as much if it wasn't too noticeable. But it is just way too obvious that it can't be ignored! It's just too distracting and painful! Other than that, I felt like this song was performed pretty well. The background characters did a pretty good job and Luke Evans has a very strong voice. I don't know why they had to include that conversation between Gaston and Le Fou in the soundtrack though instead of having it be something we hear only in the movie itself. And I'm sure Emma Watson is decent singer even without auto-tune. I still don't think she was a good choice to play Belle, though. - MegaSoulhero

8Evermore (Josh Groban)

Josh Groban is an excellent singer! So the fact that he sings for this movie really makes me happy! This is actually the credits version of the song Evermore which is sung by the Beast in the movie. And to be honest, the song sounds better when the Beast sings it. But Josh Groban still has such an excellent voice! - MegaSoulhero

9The Mob Song

Beauty And The Beast Audiobook

Every time I watch the animated Beauty and the Beast movie, I always forget this song exists! And whenever I listen to it, I really love it! This song in the live action film is really great too! Luke Evans shows that he can be a really intimidating villain when he needs to be! And the background singers really help out a lot with the tone of the song! Although, I still don't know why it's just simply called 'The Mob Song' instead of 'Kill the Beast'. - MegaSoulhero

10Something There

I'm not gonna lie, this song is pretty well done in this movie. Emma Watson and Dan Stevens actually sound like the like each other in this song! Although, there's still the complaint of Emma Watson being auto-tuned! I mean, come on! She sounds like a Turret from Portal! It's great that it sounds like the characters really like each other in this film, but I hope that in the movie we can tell their emotions by their actions. I don't want them to end up like Anakin and Padmé from Attack of the Clones! I'll talk more about that movie in a future list that I'm currently working on. Anyway, this movie's version of Something There sounds really nice! - MegaSoulhero

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Youtube Beauty And The Beast Song

1. Evermore (Dan Stevens)
2. Beauty and the Beast (Emma Thompson)
3. Be Our Guest
1. Evermore (Dan Stevens)
2. Beauty and the Beast (Emma Thompson)
3. Be Our Guest
1. Evermore (Dan Stevens)
2. Beauty and the Beast (Emma Thompson)
3. Gaston

View All 4


Beauty and the Beast in Concert ReviewMegaSoulhero

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